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Working for GoodCorporation

GoodCorporation is a vibrant and growing company. Our aim is to be a positive and influential voice in the debate for better ethics, governance and sustainability in business. As such, we attract people with strong ethical values wanting to make a difference to the way business is run globally. We are currently hiring for a consultant at our Paris office.

Consultant | Paris office

GoodCorporation is looking for a consultant with at least 2 years of business ethics and human rights knowledge to join our growing Paris office. As a consultant, you will work under the supervision of GoodCorporation project managers on the delivery of work for our high-profile international clients.

Working closely with client teams, you will have the opportunity to review, develop, strengthen and embed effective ethics and compliance programmes. This will involve conducting benchmarking analyses, risk assessments, providing due diligence support and ensuring the training and implementation of ethical practices. You will also be responsible for writing and developing reports and other client deliverables.

You will be expected to contribute to GoodCorporationā€™s business development activities by identifying and maintaining contact with business leads, participating in responses to tenders, attending sales meetings and drafting proposals. There will also be exciting opportunities for you to attend conferences and networking events relevant to GoodCorporation's practice areas and to play an active role in developing our products and services to meet market needs.

Candidates must have a master's degree in a field relevant to GoodCorporation's work and expertise, as well as at least 2 years of relevant experience in human rights and business ethics and a good understanding of key national and international laws, regulations, and standards. An excellent command of French and English (written and spoken) and a willingness to travel regularly for up to 2 weeks at a time is also required.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate excellent interpersonal, communication and organisational skills, with the ability to deliver high-quality work under pressure and to tight deadlines. They should also be self-motivated and resilient when faced with problems or tight deadlines, demonstrating excellent communication skills and the ability to build strong trusting relationships quickly.

We are looking for candidates who share our ethical values and can stand up for principles, even in difficult situations. This is an exciting time to join GoodCorporationā€™s delivery team and work in a truly collaborative and supportive environment where we believe in teamwork, mutual respect and supporting each other to achieve collective success.

For details on how to apply and for the full job description, click the link below.


GoodCorporation recherche un.e Consultant.e ayant au moins 2 ans d'expƩrience en Ʃthique des affaires et droits humains pour rejoindre notre bureau de Paris en pleine expansion. En tant que Consultant.e, vous travaillerez sous la supervision des chefs de projet de GoodCorporation sur la rƩalisation de livrables pour nos clients internationaux prƩstigieux.

En Ć©troite collaboration avec les Ć©quipes de nos clients, vous aurez l'occasion d'examiner, de dĆ©velopper, de renforcer et d'intĆ©grer des programmes d'Ć©thique et de conformitĆ© efficaces. Pour ce faire, vous devrez rĆ©aliser des analyses comparatives, des Ć©valuations des risques, fournir un soutien en matiĆØre de diligence raisonnable et assurer la formation et la mise en œuvre de pratiques Ć©thiques. Vous serez Ć©galement chargĆ©(e) de rĆ©diger et d'Ć©laborer des rapports et d'autres documents destinĆ©s aux clients.

Vous devrez contribuer aux activitƩs de dƩveloppement commercial de GoodCorporation en identifiant et en maintenant le contact avec des prospects, en participant aux rƩponses aux appels d'offres, en assistant aux rƩunions de vente et en rƩdigeant des propositions. Vous aurez Ʃgalement l'occasion d'assister Ơ des confƩrences et Ơ des ƩvƩnements de mise en rƩseau en rapport avec les domaines d'activitƩ de GoodCorporation et de jouer un rƓle actif dans le dƩveloppement de nos produits et services afin de rƩpondre aux besoins du marchƩ.

Les candidats doivent ĆŖtre titulaires d'un master dans un domaine en rapport avec le travail et l'expertise de GoodCorporation, avoir au moins deux ans d'expĆ©rience dans le domaine des droits humains et de l'Ć©thique des affaires et avoir une bonne connaissance des principales lois, rĆ©glementations et normes nationales et internationales. Une excellente maĆ®trise du franƧais et de l'anglais (Ć  l'Ć©crit et Ć  l'oral) et la volontĆ© de voyager rĆ©guliĆØrement jusqu'Ć  deux semaines d'affilĆ©e sont Ć©galement requises.

Les candidats doivent faire preuve d'excellentes compĆ©tences en matiĆØre de relations interpersonnelles, de communication et d'organisation, et ĆŖtre capables de fournir un travail de grande qualitĆ© sous pression et dans des dĆ©lais serrĆ©s. Ils doivent Ć©galement ĆŖtre motivĆ©s et rĆ©silients lorsqu'ils sont confrontĆ©s Ć  des problĆØmes ou Ć  des dĆ©lais serrĆ©s, faire preuve d'excellentes aptitudes Ć  la communication et ĆŖtre capables d'Ć©tablir rapidement de solides relations de confiance.

Nous recherchons des candidats qui partagent nos valeurs Ć©thiques et qui peuvent dĆ©fendre leurs principes, mĆŖme dans des situations difficiles. C'est une pĆ©riode enthousiasmante pour rejoindre la delivery team de GoodCorporation et travailler dans un environnement vĆ©ritablement collaboratif et solidaire oĆ¹ nous croyons au travail d'Ć©quipe, au respect mutuel et Ć  l'entraide pour atteindre le succĆØs collectif.

Pour savoir comment postuler et obtenir la description complĆØte du poste, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous.

Working for GoodCorporation

GoodCorporation is always interested in hearing from experienced candidates who are looking for a career in the field of business ethics and compliance.

Our work involves reviewing and examining ethical management practices in client organisations toĀ help identify and bridge any gaps. Benchmarking and consultancy are also provided, as required.

In conducting assessments, our project teams accumulate evidence based on management, employee and other stakeholder interviews, supported by policy, process and document reviews. The GoodCorporation team works quickly to assimilate the information received, analyse the issues, reach conclusions, make recommendations and present these back to management at a senior level.

GoodCorporation is a positive and influential voice in the debate for better ethics, compliance, governance, and sustainability in business. Get in touch if you share our values and are interested in joining the team.

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