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Child protection and safeguarding framework

GoodCorporation's three-page Framework on Safeguarding Children helps organisations ensure that their practices for safeguarding children are robust. It can be used to design, embed or evaluate and organisation's safeguarding practices.

Areas covered by the framework

  • Policy and governance: top-level commitment to safeguarding children is evident. There are clearly articulated polices and procedures with adequate resources devoted to implementation.
  • Culture and awareness: the organisation communicates its safeguarding policy and practice to all stakeholders and makes it clear where concerns can be raised and guidance sought.
  • Vetting: there are strong processes to screen employees, contractors and agency staff who come into contact with children.
  • Products and services: the organisation considers how its products and services might affect the wellbeing of children.
  • Marketing and communications: a responsible approach to marketing and advertising is taken to avoid any adverse effect on children.
  • Managing third parties: contractual requirements to have effective safeguarding procedures and adequate safeguarding standards in place are enforced.
  • Child exploitation: the organisation understands the risks of child exploitation and has policies and procedures in place that take international best practice into account.
  • Dealing with concerns and incidents: there is training and guidance on how to recognise inappropriate behaviour with systems in place for raising concerns.
  • Monitoring and review: the efficacy of child protection procedures is regularly reviewed and monitored, including at board level.

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