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We are hiring analysts at our London office. Click the link to find out more.

Gareth Thomas | Director

Gareth leads GoodCorporationā€™s work in anti-corruption, integrity compliance, ESG and data protection running projects in the pharmaceutical, media & publishing, IT, financial, FMCG and extractives sectors. He heads our work with multilateral development banks, other financial institutions and for companies involved in M&A activities. He also has considerable expertise in advising corporates on their response to regulatory changes such as GDPR, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the EU Taxonomy.

Gareth is a graduate of the London School of Economics and has a PhD in economic geography from Kings College London. Gareth began his career at Logica before joining KPMG in the strategy and economics consulting business. He has also worked as Director of Strategy for Global Trade and Banking Services for NatWest Markets and as Head of Technology Investment Banking, Europe for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

One of GoodCorporation's directors Gareth Thomas

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