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George Houpis | Non-Executive Director

George is a board director of Frontier Economics, a member of the advisory council of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, and a trustee of Reload Greece. Ā An economist by training, George has an MSc and PhD from the London School of Economics. He worked for Citibank and KPMG before joining Frontier Economics, where he developed the companyā€™s consulting business in the telecoms, media and digital sectors. George has advised governments, regulatory authorities and operators around the world on the design and implementation of policy in the communications and digital sectors, regulatory design, and competition policy. In Reload Greece, George supported the promotion of entrepreneurship as a policy to support the reversal of Greeceā€™s brain drain, after the 2008 crisis.

George has a long connection with GoodCorporation as a co-founder, shareholder and non-executive board member since 2001.

George Houpis is a co-founder and non-executive director of GoodCorporation

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