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Review of safeguarding procedures for international music and video production company

GoodCorporation conducted a review of the safeguarding policies and processes in place for an international company in the music and video production sector. The review included:Ā 

  • The governance structure and management systems in place around the policies
  • TheĀ  job descriptions and tasks assigned to people responsible for policy development and implementation
  • An analysis of the risk assessments conducted to inform the shaping of policies and supporting procedures
  • An assessment of the communication campaigns that have accompanied the dissemination of policies
  • The training programmes that have been put in place to support the policies
  • The performance indicators that are in place to measure the effectiveness of the policies
  • The supporting procedures that sit alongside the policies
  • The monitoring and auditing that has been put in place to ensure that the policies are up-to-date and fit for purpose

Following the review, GoodCorporation developed a prioritised action plan to be implemented by the company.

They have excellent technical knowledge and broad experience. They are good at what they do, good fun to work with, and always demonstrate their belief in making corporations good.

Gavin Bonnar

Imperial Brands

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