Update Autumn 2010

Ethical Challenges facing the Extractive Industry 


Businesses in the extractive industry work in some of the world’s most challenging ethical environments.  Recently, representatives from some of the leading extractive companies discussed the ethical challenges their businesses face at a debate held by GoodCorporation at the House of Lords. Bernard Claude, Chairman of Total’s Ethics Committee and a GoodCorporation client, led the debate

With the advent of the Bribery Act upon us, much of the debate focused on the problem of corruption.  While all welcomed legislation to combat corruption, it was felt that the playing field is still potentially uneven. Enforceable and genuinely international codes of practice were urgently called for.

Similarly not all companies working in the extractive industry observe the same Human Rights standards.  Even members of the Global Compact need to monitor their supply chain very carefully to ensure that all areas of their operation conform to the required standards.

Many present felt that the extractives industry was ahead of the game in terms of  running businesses to high ethical standards.  Nonetheless, beating corruption is still a major challenge. The debate examined prosecution and punishment, corruption and competition as well as compliance and compromise.

To read a summary of the debate in full, click here

The next GoodCorporation debate at the House of Lords will look at Adequate Procedures under the Bribery Act.

GoodCorporation gives first accreditation in Switzerland


GoodCorporation has accredited Swiss Corporate Responsibility Foundation, Philias.  Philias is the first Swiss company to receive GoodCorporation’s accreditation and follows the appointment of Christopher Cordey as Country Manager for GoodCorporation in Switzerland.

Philias undertook GoodCorporation’s ‘good organisation’ assessment, which involved an online assessment as well as interviews with Philias’s key stakeholders including members, clients, NGOs, trustees, suppliers and employees.  The online assessment revealed that 78 per cent of Philias’s stakeholders rated the company as ‘excellent’ or ‘above average’, which secured GoodCorporation’s accreditation.

Philias impressed GoodCorporation with high scores across all areas of the stakeholder survey, exceeding our pass mark for accreditation of 70 per cent.  We have been delighted to award ‘good organisation’ status to an organisation that promotes business ethics so successfully.

In Brief...

Making CR Reports Meaningful

With an estimated two thirds of the world’s leading companies now producting CR reports, GoodCorporation takes a look at what companies should do to produce meaningful CR data.

Risk Management: staying out of Deepwater

As we have seen with the Deepwater Horizon disaster, taking risks with risk management carries a hefty price.  GoodCorporation argues that many risk management processes are wholly inadequate.

Making staff redundant makes best practice essential

‘Last in first out’, ‘rank or yank?’ this is the brutal language of redundancy and with an estimated 1.3 million* people set to lose their jobs over the next five years in the UK alone, this is a process that many will experience over the coming months, whether as the management team making the tough choices or as staff facing the prospect of losing a job. So can it be done fairly?  Is there a kind way to make someone redundant?

*Source: OBR

GoodCorporation completes first audits for Sustainable Restaurant Association

GoodCorporation’s work with the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) has got off to a good start with the first audits completed and more in the pipeline.

Sustainability in the luxury goods market

This Autumn, GoodCorporation participated in the first Sustainable Excellence seminar for the luxury goods market which took place in Lausanne in September.

Leading the debate

For the latest GoodCorporation views on ethics and responsible practice you can read our thoughts on the goodblog.  Just go to our websitehttps://www.goodcorporation.com/ and click on goodblog.  We are also on Twitter.  Click onhttp://twitter.com/goodcorporation to become one of our followers.